Newsletter Free Gifts


On this page you can access my free gifts for signing up for my Newsletter.

An Introduction to the parts of the Human Design Chart is a gift produced by my teacher Karen Parker. It has been provided by her to my clients in order to get to know the basics of the Human Design System.

Click on the link provided her and save it to your own device.

Enjoy your free gift.



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Download eBook

Right Click the link here, then you will be able to save or print the documents

Any inquiries or if you find a link in the document that isn’t working please email me:

Here is an hour long talk presented to Advanced Clearing Energetics students and practitioners group in April 2017. It gives an overview how we work with symptoms and illness which supports the traditional medicine. We look at causes of illness, how illness starts and how it progresses. Finding and addressing traumas and energetic and informational reasons behind illness assists the body to heal naturally.



Ring of Water

Ring of Crystal

Ring of Earth

Ring of Air

Ring of Fire




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