The Body Tells the Truth. Stress on the cells, new information, physical trauma, empowerment, resilience and how to find solutions for a client. Interested exploring what is in the way of your cells to feel safe, confident, secure and competent? Join me! Feel incompetent in living? Having difficulties in …

Thankful Thoughts

“What have you been doing? Your kidney meridian is pulsing again!” What I learned during that process was that there are usually a few themes, beliefs, events etc. that come together to form the energetic and information block. As a body energy coach, I look for these energy HUBS. You can call them blocks. It is an energy and information roadblock to the energy flow.

Shingles and their meaning

What are Shingles?If you search for the meaning of Shingles in a dictionary you will discover that Shingles is an acute, painful …

Make Every Day Count

Decode your life story, change your life The long awaited Solar Eclipse is almost here. By now all have been informed. The …

Is 2017 the year you go full steam ahead?

Is 2017 the year you will turn your life on path of , love, courage, personal power, courage, decisiveness, clarity, self-trust, and self-worth?

Is 2017 the year you commit yourself to self discovery of who you are and what you are here to do?

Is 2017 the year you become authentic and honour your Human Design?

Abundance is in the air

Abundance is in the air

What it means to be Abundant? “Your Abundance is a natural byproduct of your state of resiliency” – Karen Parker I had …

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